Thursday, December 30, 2010


Where did the time go. The Cotter's had a great 2010. I am staying home with kids right now. Kirby is still working alot but is home most everynight. Tres turned 10! He is growing up so fast. Karis is thriving in 1st grade and reading so well. Karson will be home with me until the fall and he will start school. Dusty is going to Afganastan and Jarred is starting his career as a rocket scientist and getting married. We have been so blessed this year! Thank you Lord for your unfailing LOVE! Here is a picture or 2 if you can are not facebook fans!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ready for CHRISTmas!

The Cotter's are ready to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus! This morning Karis told me the Christmas story. She got most of it right, she did not remember the part about King Herrod. The lights are on the house and the tree is up. Last weekend we rode the Polar Express. We all had a great time. Thanksgiving was wonderful too. We will be enjoying Christmas at home. I hope everyone has a great Christmas and hope to see a few friends over the break. Here are a few pictures.......

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Catch up!

I must play catch up with my blog. Janurary was wonderful. Feburary didn't go so well, with Karson and Karis both having to go to the ER. Karson busted his lip on the trampoline and Karis broke her arm on the trampoline. Karis also had her ear tubes replaced, just 2 weeks before. March was better. I stayed home from work and took care of her for 4 weeks due to her breaking her dominate arm. In April I turned 33! At the end of May, Kirby left for a month for Army. June went by pretty fast. In July Kirby came home for 2 weeks and then left for again for 2 weeks for Army. Karis had another sugery, and I took a school nurse job. August went by fast. Tres turned 9 in September....and 3 out of 5 of us have had the flu! So now you are caught up on the Cotter gossip. We are looking forward to a slow winter, and all being on the same schedule. Here are a few pictures....Enjoy!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!

The Cotter family had a great Christmas and New Year! Santa was very good to the kids. Kirby and the kids have been off for 2 weeks. I think they are all getting tired of each other. They have been to the train depot, movies,shopping and the park. I have had 2 spinal injections this month, and am hoping to start the new year pain free! We loved seeing our family and friends and miss those we did not see. Here are a few pictures to enjoy until next month!